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advance upon造句

"advance upon"是什麼意思  advance uponの例文  


  • The young ruffian [ hooligan ] was advancing upon him , with a whip swinging in his hand
  • A sum equivalent to 1 month s budgeted management expenses to be paid in advance upon completion
  • But suddenly , just as he was advancing upon labordette , he grew ashy white and fell down in a heap in front of the sideboard
  • It was past two oclock , no one was yet asleep , when the quartermaster appeared , bringing a command to advance upon a little place called ostrovna
  • The soldiers of desaixs division , advancing upon the flches , were in sight till they disappeared from view in the hollow that lay between them and the flches
  • Then , when the whole plain was covered with smoke , on the french side the two divisions of desaix and compans advanced on the right upon the flches , and on the left the viceroys regiments advanced upon borodino
  • While disputes and intrigues were going on as to the suitable spot for a battle , and while we were looking for the french and mistaking their line of advance , the french fell upon nevyerovskys division , and advanced upon the walls of smolensk itself
  • Protocols may specify , in addition , how to use other charsets or other character encoding schemes for iso 10646 , such as utf - 16 , but lack of an ability to use utf - 8 is a violation of this policy ; such a violation would need a variance procedure bcp9 section 9 with clear and solid justification in the protocol specification document before being entered into or advanced upon the standards track
    此外,協議可以規定如何使用其他iso 10646字符集和字符編碼方案,如utf - 16 ,但是不能使用utf - 8是對本策略的違反,這種違反在進入或者提升到標準跟蹤過程時,需要經過變更程序( [ bcp9 ]第9節) ,并在協議規范文檔中提出明確、可靠的理由。
  • It's difficult to find advance upon in a sentence. 用advance upon造句挺難的
如何advance upon造句用advance upon造句advance upon in a sentence和advance upon的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。